Paroles de Gonz’ is about those words men use when they have been taught not to be a gonzesse, a chick, but a gonz, a lad, a man, a warrior. By bringing together paroles and the slang term gonz, NadjetteBoughalem knew exactly what she was looking for: to collapse two realities which rarely cohabit, but also preconceived ideas which no longer work. The need for words is impossible to satisfy… In the Champfleuryneighbourhood where she used to work as a community organizer, the director brought many inhabitants to the theatre. Through what she calls an urban and contemporary practice, Paroles de Gonz’ has therefore been a space where each and every one has been able to find their own emotion based on the following question: how to “be” without being disowned by your own?
Nadjette Boughalem
Following her artistic training with the company Mises en scène, Nadjette Boughalem was able to put into action what she’d always believed in: to bring together energies, wills, and differences within artistic projects. Theatre for her is a tool we have todesacralise and put at the centre of our lives. She is also constantly encouraging amateurs to watch, read, and do. La Maison pour tousChampfleury, work residencies at La FabricA, and the programme of the Festival d’Avignon are her favourite playgrounds. For Paroles de Gonz’, Nadjette Boughalem worked with Ema Del on writing workshops and Nabil Hemaïza on the bodies and the fluidity of movement.
Paroles de Gonz’ ©DR