Artist welcomed at the House Jean Vilar
from tuesday to sathurday from 11h to 18h
from the 29th september tu the 21th octobor
Charlotte Gunsett
“Childhood is at the heart of Charlotte Gunsett’s work. We could say a starting point. The clumsy gestures of childhood, the representations we make of them are digested and interpreted by this young artist through her sculptures. Her universe is elaborated by fragments of memories. She touches with her fingers these fleeting, perishable, ephemeral moments in order to give them a moment of eternity. The sand can both be solid and erect in architecture, as it can collapse in seconds under the action of water. All these states of matter refer to feelings that affect us and that crystallize in the sculptures of the artist. Over-exposed, frozen, these furtive feelings and memories are extinguished … Gunsett gives us the opportunity to ask a second look … for these emotions that we all built.
Morgane Tschiember – French sculptor
“Charlotte Gunsett’s artistic approach has its roots in the memories, vocabulary and gestures of childhood, which she tries to resurface in sculptures, installations or videos. To translate its fleeting, perishable, ephemeral nature, she uses sand, a material that is simultaneously fluid and capable of preserving shapes. Yet they are fragile forms, which nothing can distort or make disappear. This combination of malleability and unseizability symbolizes the memory mechanism. The artist tries to capture and materialize memories that disappear. She grasps them at the heart of the process – even of their effacement, in this entre-deux where doubt can creep, where evanescent reality and nascent fiction meet and merge. As we can see, the scope of Charlotte Gunsett’s works goes well beyond a tender reflection on childhood. They resonate themes that embrace the main aspects of our fragile humanity.”
Louis Doucet – collector of contemporary art
Piece of art
“Un moment de chahutement” (A moment of chahting)
Ceramic, sand, carpet
Variable dimensions
“I created this piece as a family of forms that interact with each other, and I evoke the toy of the culbuto that seeks its balance.
For me, these are bodies that are sometimes interlocking and grave. Others stick to others and some have found “their position by the use of sand”.
Charlotte Gunsett