72 editions and as many posters.A history expressed every summer through a graphic, artistic, and political gesture. What do those posters tell us? What stories do they reinvent? In 45 minutes, Olivier Py, director of the Festival d'Avignon, plays at re-creating the periods, the directions, the complicities with talented graphic designers, the invitations to genius painters, the doubts about censored propositions. When the colours of France covered paper, when the turn towards the international introduced different tones and writings, when the mask became fold and the key disappeared! The history of the Festival is also that of a mineral city, […]
“In a prostituted Paris I often see them of an evening, the ridiculous princes of night, the beautiful stallions.” What if the beautiful according to François Esperet was born of the nauseous and the unsettling ? Four songs from a first epic poem which are as many implicit tributes to William Faulkner or to the thieves of the New Testament. François Esperet Contemporary writer François Esperet has already lived several lives. Multiplicity doesn't scare him—he studied at the Ecole Normale, and was a police officer, a political adviser, and an orthodox deacon—but seems to anchor him in a reality […]
“The hidden white foundation all over her face, and unmasked breasts and milky arse.” Black, black is the reality of those night workers who, in a novel/poem, leave the reader in a limbo as beautiful as it is dark. François Esperet Contemporary writer François Esperet has already lived several lives. Multiplicity doesn't scare him—he studied at the Ecole Normale, and was a police officer, a political adviser, and an orthodox deacon—but seems to anchor him in a reality and a spirituality linked by writing, and in particular by poetry. Focusing on the intensity and absolute quality of his poems, […]
Entered in the TNP in 1956, Sonia Debeauvais was in charge of the conquest of the public, inter alia, by means of groupings and associations. In the Festival d’Avignon as in Paris, she roamed districts and became then the first to implement this type of relation with the public, contributing to one of the major innovations of Jean Vilar and popular theatre. Founding member of the Association Jean Vilar evoke her experience it is put her “in the center of of the looks and thoughts of her public, she has never received them, but often gave them to a large […]
“The hidden white foundation all over her face, and unmasked breasts and milky arse.” Black, black is the reality of those night workers who, in a novel/poem, leave the reader in a limbo as beautiful as it is dark. François Esperet Contemporary writer François Esperet has already lived several lives. Multiplicity doesn't scare him—he studied at the EcoleNormale, and was a police officer, a political adviser, and an orthodox deacon—but seems to anchor him in a reality and a spirituality linked by writing, and in particular by poetry. Focusing on the intensity and absolute quality of his poems, he dives […]
The Festival d’Avignon 1968 generated in July to one of the key moments of contesting in France. Contrary to what happened in May and June, this moment of conflicts had the particularity to take place after, and not before, the taking in hand of the political situation by the power. Thus it was replica – in the seismic sense – of the insurrectionary period in tight scope but very displayed, of the theater and of the cultural action. In our days, how can we estimate the impact, the effect but also the resonances in our sensitivities and our current practices ? […]
Jardin de la rue Mons
8 Rue de Mons, Avignon, France
More than an homage, a time of transmission and sharing around Jack Ralite's thought and engagement.Bringing together philosophy, poetry, and the political, while keeping the artists in mind. A day cordinated by Marie-José Sirach, leader of the cultural service of l’Humanité with the complicity of Karelle Ménine author of « La pensée, la poésie et le politique - Dialogue avec Jack Ralite » Solitaires Intempestifs, 2015. Festival d’Avignon, Association Jean Vilar et PCF. Partnership with Journal l’Humanité. 11h30-13h00 L’histoire des politiques publiques de l’art et la culture Homme politique, homme d’engagement et de parole, Jack Ralite est à l’origine de la création, en 1965, du […]
72 editions and as many posters.A history expressed every summer through a graphic, artistic, and political gesture. What do those posters tell us? What stories do they reinvent? In 45 minutes, Olivier Py, director of the Festival d'Avignon, plays at re-creating the periods, the directions, the complicities with talented graphic designers, the invitations to genius painters, the doubts about censored propositions. When the colours of France covered paper, when the turn towards the international introduced different tones and writings, when the mask became fold and the key disappeared! The history of the Festival is also that of a mineral […]
The theatrical decentralization was pioneer and pluralist, lively and popular. The movie A Theatrical Adventure 30 years of decentralization demonstrate, by the presence of who dedicated a part of their life to make it exist, an almost fanatical desire to bring live entertainment to those who were moved away, perhaps excluded. This movie is about this unique, human, artistic, social, historic and political adventure. Both projections will be followed by a meeting with the filmmaker and actors, of yesterday and today, about this story which is always ours ! 11h00 Meeting in the presence of Jean Bellorini, director of the Théâtre Gérard […]
Paroles de Gonz' is about those words men use when they have been taught not to be a gonzesse, a chick, but a gonz, a lad, a man, a warrior. By bringing together paroles and the slang term gonz, NadjetteBoughalem knew exactly what she was looking for: to collapse two realities which rarely cohabit, but also preconceived ideas which no longer work. The need for words is impossible to satisfy... In the Champfleuryneighbourhood where she used to work as a community organizer, the director brought many inhabitants to the theatre. Through what she calls an urban and contemporary practice, Paroles de Gonz' has therefore been a space where each […]
Paroles de Gonz' is about those words men use when they have been taught not to be a gonzesse, a chick, but a gonz, a lad, a man, a warrior. By bringing together paroles and the slang term gonz, NadjetteBoughalem knew exactly what she was looking for: to collapse two realities which rarely cohabit, but also preconceived ideas which no longer work. The need for words is impossible to satisfy... In the Champfleuryneighbourhood where she used to work as a community organizer, the director brought many inhabitants to the theatre. Through what she calls an urban and contemporary practice, Paroles de Gonz' has therefore been a space where each […]
72 editions and as many posters.A history expressed every summer through a graphic, artistic, and political gesture. What do those posters tell us? What stories do they reinvent? In 45 minutes, Olivier Py, director of the Festival d'Avignon, plays at re-creating the periods, the directions, the complicities with talented graphic designers, the invitations to genius painters, the doubts about censored propositions. When the colours of France covered paper, when the turn towards the international introduced different tones and writings, when the mask became fold and the key disappeared! The history of the Festival is also that of a mineral […]
Paroles de Gonz' is about those words men use when they have been taught not to be a gonzesse, a chick, but a gonz, a lad, a man, a warrior. By bringing together paroles and the slang term gonz, NadjetteBoughalem knew exactly what she was looking for: to collapse two realities which rarely cohabit, but also preconceived ideas which no longer work. The need for words is impossible to satisfy... In the Champfleuryneighbourhood where she used to work as a community organizer, the director brought many inhabitants to the theatre. Through what she calls an urban and contemporary practice, Paroles de Gonz' has therefore been a space where each […]
What would theatre be without actors, without the risks they take every night, without their shamelessness and intelligence? The passion of the audience finds its source in the characters they play and, oddly, from the start of the Festival d'Avignon, in the beauty, striking look, and presence of Jeanne Moreau. I am all of you listening explores the career of a woman who lived the history of the Festival from 1947 to 2011, beside Jean Vilar or Étienne Daho, with the words of Henrich von Kleist or Alfred de Musset, and in roles as different as Nathalie or Célestine. Even in 2014, […]
Cabu, who was known and recognised for his illustrations in Hara-kiri, Charlie Hebdo, or the Canard Enchaîné, also used his talents as an exceptional cartoonist to sketch the world of theatre. From the 60s onwards, Cabu went to the theatre several times per week. He was a passionate theatre-goer - private and publicly funded theatres alike - but with a particular attachment to the Comédie-Française. Cabu first went to the Festival in 1970, when it was still directed by Jean Vilar. He was a regular visitor, as testified by his sketchbooks. Year after year, Cabu was there to cast his […]
PROGRAMME (download the pdf version here) - EXHIBITION « I'm all of you listening. Jeanne Moreau a life of theater » At 11 am to 8 pm, the 15th of september (last entry at 7:15 pm) At 11 am to 6 pm, the 16th of september (last entry at 5:15 pm) This exhibition explores the career of a woman who lived the history of the Festival from 1947 to 2011, beside Jean Vilar or Étienne Daho, with the words of Henrich von Kleist or Alfred de Musset, and in roles as different as Nathalie or Célestine. Even in 2014, her […]
PROGRAMME - INSTALLATIONS Sound installation « Portrait Paysage » // « landsacape portrait » // « portrait landscape » at 1 pm to 6pm, Friday, the 21th of september at 11 am to 6 pm, Saturday the 22 of september at 11 am to 4 pm, Sunday the 23th of septembre Sound portraits and landscapes is a shared moment where the word is fixed. A photography of free and voluntary words, gleanded during the meetings. AUTORS : Stéphane Delaunay (Compagnie les Mauvaises Herbes) Association le Village City of the realisation of the project : Cavaillon Video […]
Artist welcomed at the House Jean Vilar from tuesday to sathurday from 11h to 18h from the 29th september tu the 21th octobor Charlotte Gunsett "Childhood is at the heart of Charlotte Gunsett's work. We could say a starting point. The clumsy gestures of childhood, the representations we make of them are digested and interpreted by this young artist through her sculptures. Her universe is elaborated by fragments of memories. She touches with her fingers these fleeting, perishable, ephemeral moments in order to give them a moment of eternity. The sand can both be solid and erect in architecture, as it […]
Reopening of the exhibition "Signé Jacno, un graphisme brut pour un théâtre populaire" presented in full from September 10 to December 14 in "la boîte noire" on the ground floor of Jean Vilar House Thirty years ago, Marcel Jacno passed away. Thirty years ago, the newly established Maison Jean Vilar paid tribute to him by putting on an exhibition of his work for the TNP (Theatre National Populaire). Sixty years ago, Raoul-Jean Moulin, art critic for the Les Lettres Françaises magazine wrote an article entitled “ Do you know Jacno, artist of our time ? ” The same question could […]
An exhibition of Macha Makeïeff Entrer dans une maison pour être moins perdue. La lumière, l’effroi, l’enfance, la rêverie, embarquer les choses recueillies, faire un récit fantaisiste. Et les petites filles imaginaires dans cette maison auront tous les droits, les désirs les plus romanesques. - Macha Makeïeff Do inanimate objects have a soul, a part of humanity locked inside them? The primal terror or the familiar feeling of strangeness we sometimes experience upon encountering them unveil an unconscious part of us: the one we meet in our dreams. That's what Spoilsportis about. A reminder of our unconsciousand its malfunctions... In this installation […]
“Un poète et tout sera sauvé. Et pour longtemps.“ Par ces mots, Jean Vilar affirmait sa confiance dans les auteurs, le rôle essentiel qu’il leur conférait pour le théâtre et tout simplement pour la marche du monde. À la Maison Jean Vilar, des auteurs dont les œuvres sont sur les plateaux du Festival viennent à la rencontre des spectateurs. Un temps de conversation pour découvrir le Festival, côté Livre. Friday, July 12 at 11:30 Laure Adler, Correspondances entre Laure Adler et Pascal Rambert (Les Solitaires Intempestifs), Macha Makeïeff, Zone Céleste (Actes Sud), Pascal Rambert, Architecture (Les Solitaires Intempestifs). Lewis […]
Mahmoud is Egyptian. Nini is French. Mahmoud is black, Nini is white. Mahmoud is a man and Nini a woman, Mahmoud speaks Arabic, and Nini French. We could keep adding to this list of opposites, which might at first glance be endless sources of misunderstanding. Except that through the mediation of director Henri Jules Julien, actors Virginie and Mahmoud met in a train station and decided to create a show based on this encounter. “We've tried to go as far as possible with the questions we each had about the other, and to express our curiosity and our prejudices without […]
She would be a hundred years old. He would be the same age. She and he, terrible children of the post-war boards, children of paradise on the screens of liberation, they are the idols of a youth that has known all the deprivations, a youth eager for modernity, in love with freedom. She and he lent themselves to all new experiences: the secular poetry of Henri Pichette, the modern tragedy of Camus, the great popular adventure of the TNP with Jean Vilar. Maria, the Galician brunette with green eyes experienced the ordeal of exile. Is that why she so often […]
Christophe Raynaud de Lage has been photographing the shows of the Festival d’Avignon for seventeen years now, both backstage and on. Courtyards, cloisters, gymnasiums, quarries, wind, heat, and rain are all part of the background for him… Day and night, he takes thousands of pictures destined to a strange life. They appear on the Festival’s website almost in real time on the night of the premiere, show up as illustrations for a news article the next day, and provide a touch of colour on social media throughout the Festival… A few weeks later, they accompany artists on international tours, before […]
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